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Wedding Cakes
A wedding cake is a traditional cake served at wedding receptions following the meal. Traditionally, wedding cakes were made to bring...
Aisle Marker Ideas
Aisle Markers can be used on all the rows of seats or only to reserve seats for the couple's parents and grandparents during the wedding...
Choosing a Reception Venue
Nearly 40% of your entire wedding budget is going to be spent on your reception, which can be a scary thought. But that is unmistakably...
Wedding Invitation Etiquette
One definition of etiquette is the customary code of polite behavior in society or among members of a particular profession or group. At...
If You Aren't Using a Wedding Planner
Dozens of choices, the flowers, music, vendors, and dozens of more logistical aspects, planning weddings can frighten even the most...
Wedding Invitations
Many decisions go into planning a wedding to make YOUR day special! One of the decisions you will have to make is the type and style of...
Steps to Planning Your Wedding
Congratulations on your engagement! Your head is filled with colors, flowers, vendors, and dresses. You are working on a style and color...
Wedding Ceremony Details
In all the excitement of organizing your wedding day, finding a dress, finding a location, the details of the ceremony get forgotten in...
Wedding Bouquets
The wedding bouquet may seem like a small aspect when it comes to planning the complete wedding, but the flowers are a significant part...
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